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Why your home is an ideal place to start reducing your Carbon footprint.

Reducing your carbon footprint doesn’t have to be complicated! One of the best places to start is in your own home! That’s right. Your home is the perfect place to start making a difference with some simple changes. Here are a few reasons why your home is an ideal place to reduce your carbon footprint:

🔋 Energy Consumption:

Yeah, yeah, yeah. We’ve all heard this before but we wouldn’t be doing our jobs if we don’t call it out. Your home is one of the easiest and effective places to reduce your carbon footprint. Your home is a bit of an energy hog, but we’ve got what you need to tame that beast! Switching to energy-efficient appliances, using LED light bulbs, and adjusting your thermostat are just a few simple changes that can make a big impact in reducing your carbon footprint (oh, did we mention it also saves you money?). 

Join Sustaio today, and let us do the hard work. We'll track your energy use and provide tips to lower your energy bill, all for free! Plus, when you take actions that reduce your energy, we'll reward you with Sustaio Credits!

🗑️ Waste Magic:

Home is where the waste is. Did you know? For every 1 ton of garbage, 6.2 tons of CO2e are emitted. Embrace the power of recycling, composting, and reducing your use of single-use plastics and packaging. Before you know it, you’ll reduce your waste and….oh yeah shrink your carbon footprint in the process. Bibbidi, Bobbidi, Boom!

🚘 Transportation:

Ah, the beauty of commuting - said no one ever. But hear us out, there are ways you can cut down on the ugly side of commuting. Opt for travel options like walking, biking, or taking public transportation, or even carpooling with others. You’ll get some exercise and/or enjoy some new company and…you guessed it - reduce your carbon footprint!

Just like that, you uncovered how to get paid by reducing your carbon footprint! Your home is the perfect place to reduce your carbon footprint because it is where you have the most control, and who doesn’t like having control? With simple changes and a little creativity (we’ve got you), you can make a big impact in protecting the environment and create a more sustainable future. 

With Sustaio, you’ll uncover even more ways to reduce your carbon footprint tailored to your home! The best part? You’ll save money by taking action and get paid for it! What are you waiting for…
save green by going green with Sustaio.


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